
All women of the parish, whether married or single, a mother or not, are invited to join the Christian Mothers of our parish.

Under the spiritual direction of our Pastor, this group meets the 3rd Tuesday of every month (no meetings June, July, and August).

Christian Mothers conducts many projects and services for our parish, including the Lenten Fish Fries, Jesse Tree Christmas Project, Easter Basket Project, Bingo at a local geriatric center, Days of Reflection, Hospital and Funeral Home Visitations, and encouragement to new mothers. This organization supports the Pastor and the school in every way possible.

Contact: Mary Kay Schuetz 304-748-4858

The Holy Name Society consists of all men of the parish under the spiritual direction of the Pastor.

Meetings are every 4th Monday of the month.

Masses for living and deceased members and their families are held the second Sunday of each month.

Service projects such as the Lenten Fish Fries and Christmas lights are some of the ways this group provides great support for our church and school.

Contact: Guy Holmes 724-255-8975

The Liturgy Task Force was established in 2006 to help the parish achieve the second goal of its pastoral plan: To develop our Sunday liturgies as the energizing center-point of parish life. This group has established a ministry of hospitality at Sunday liturgies to welcome and greeter worshippers, developed an annual recruiting, training and scheduling of all liturgical ministers and worked with professionals to improve the acoustics and hearing in the church.

To become a parish Liturgical Minister: Contact the church office 304-748-6710

St. Paul Parish has had a vibrant music ministry for many years. The music used for the Liturgies is a mixture of traditional and contemporary repertoire.

Under the direction of Carrie Oliver-Shultz since 2003, the Music Ministry is a vital part of the Liturgical and Communal life of the parish.
Carrie Schultz Music
Our Music Director is a 1998 graduate of Otterbein University, with a Bachelor’s Degree in Music Performance. She has participated in numerous conventions for the National Pastoral Musicians Association and Music Ministry Alive! all over the country. She has written many pieces of music for the Liturgy and co-wrote a musical setting for the Mass under the new translation with our parish guitarist, Rick Witkowski.


Our Adult Choir leads worship at the 11:00 am Sunday Mass every weekend, in addition to special feasts throughout the Liturgical Year.  The Adult Choir also offers their musical gifts through outreach into the local community, singing for nursing facilities, community events and occasionally other local church’s Worship Service or Liturgies.

Our current instrumentalists at the 11:00 am Sunday Liturgies are:

  • Rick Witkowski, acoustic guitarist
    Music Ministry Group Photo
  • Pat Neeley, hand percussionist
  • Carrie Oliver-Shultz, hand drum percussionist (congas, djembe drums)

**We are currently looking for volunteer choir members and volunteer instrumentalists of any kind.

Please contact our Music Director, Carrie, at or call the church office at (304) 748-6710.

The Adult Choir and Instrumentalists rehearse every Wednesday from 6:30 to 8:00 pm and at 10:00 am on Sundays before the 11:00 am Liturgy.


Cantors are needed for all Weekend Liturgies, which are:

  • Saturday, 5:00 pm
  • Sunday, 8:30 am & 11:00 am
  • Sunday, 6:00 pm


Our Youth Music Ministry consists of a 30-40 member Children’s Choir (Grades K through 5)

The Children’s Choir sing at occasional Liturgical Feasts throughout the year.  They also sing through ministry outreach to local nursing facilities and community events.

New members (K through 5 grades) are always welcome at any time throughout the year.

Please contact our Music Director, Carrie, at or call the church office at (304) 748-6710.


If you are new to the parish, or a long-time or current member, please consider offering

your gifts and talents to be a part of this wonderful ministry family!

Families registered and participating in the life of the parish bring their children to the community for baptism into the life of Christ. Our Pastor typically meets with the parents to discuss the meaning of the sacrament, determine eligibility and prepare for the celebration. Family who are not active in the parish are asked to postpone the celebration until they have demonstrated to the community their baptismal responsibility to “raise their children in the practice of the faith” (Rite of Baptism)

Contact:  Fr. Binu Sebastian  304-748-6710

Holy Communion is ministered on Sundays and weekdays by lay and clergy members of our parish at homes, hospitals and nursing homes. Homebound members of the parish or there are invited to call the parish office to arrange for a minister to visit.

Contact : Parish Office at 748-4118

Confirmation is celebrated every second or third year, depending on the size of the class and preparation process. Candidates for confirmation are registered members of the parish who are actively living their faith through worship and service. They must also have a background of religious formation prior to becoming a candidate.

Contact: Fr. Binu Sebastian 304-748-6710

Each year registered and participating families with children in second grade or older are gathered together to prepare for the celebration of Reconciliation ( a few weeks before First Eucharist) and First Eucharist (the 1st Sunday in May). Preparation includes family reflection sessions as well as parent discussion of faith sharing in the family. Diocesan guidelines also note that candidates for these sacraments must have received at least one full year of religious education in a Catholic School or Parish School of Religion before becoming a candidate.

Contact: Fr. Binu Sebastian 304-748-6710

The process of initiation (RCIA) is celebrated in stages to reflect the growing awareness of Christ and his Gospel in the lives of those who wish to become Christians. Typically this process of initiation begins with a pastoral conversation with one of the priests and the coordinator of the Initiation process. Groups meet throughout the year with our Initiation Team to prepare for sacramental initiation at Easter time.

Contact: Fr. Binu Sebastian 304-748-6710

Engaged couples who wish to be married should contact our pastor for a preliminary conversation about the preparation process, paperwork and date setting.

Contact: Fr. Binu Sebastian 304-748-6710

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated every Saturday evening from 4:15-4:45 pm and by individual appointment with one of our pastors. We also have a communal celebration of the Sacrament in Advent and Lent.

Contact : Parish Office at 304-748-6710

Our pastors regularly visit the hospitals and celebrate the Sacrament of the Sick with those who need or request it. They also will visit personal homes or nursing and care facilities when requested by staff or family members.

Contact: Fr. Binu Sebastian 304-748-6710