Becoming Catholic

Individuals or families who would like to explore becoming part of our Catholic community are welcome to contact our office at 304-748-6710 to talk to our Pastor.

The process of becoming a Christian for those who are not baptized is called the “Order of Christian Initiation”  or OCIA.  The preparation process involves an initial meeting with of our pastor and then a series of gatherings with a team of our members who will share the beliefs, customs and worship of our church.  This process is geared to the needs of each individual given their experience, religious background and age.

Normally, the initiation of new members is celebrated each year at the Great Easter Vigil with Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist.

Those who have already been baptized in another Christian tradition are also welcome to join our community but follow a different path of welcome.

Join Our Parish

We joyfully welcome new parishioners to become part of our parish community.

Those who have moved into the area are welcome to come visit our community at our Sunday masses (5pm on Saturday; 8:30am and 11am and 6pm on Sunday) to become acquainted with us.  We would love to have you worship with us and be part of our faith community.

If you want to make your home among us, please introduce yourselves to our pastor and to our greeters at Sunday mass.  Also, please call the parish office (304-748-6710) so we can fill out a parish census form and get your name on our parish mailing list.


PSR (Parish School of Religion) is our life-long, faith formation program. It meets as scheduled on Sunday mornings throughout the year.

OCIA is our formation process of those interested in becoming members of our Catholic Community.

Please see other programming in the weekly bulletin, available on this site on the home page or in print version at the back of the church.

Call the church office for more information: 304-748-6710.

Vocation Opportunities

The Vocations Office of the Diocese of Wheeling can provide information about many opportunities for careers of service in the Church.  Please call them at 304-233-0880 ext. 235.

The Diocesan website also offers several contacts and more information: and the West Virginia Priests site at

Our pastors are also available to discuss possible vocations in Church service.  Please call 304-748-4118 for Fr. Binu Sebastian